Links to the Movement
(Click on articles below)
Asian Americans United:
Building leadership in Asian American communities to build our neighborhoods and unite against oppression
Environmental Leadership Program:
A Training Program for Leaders in Environmental Protection
Farm to City:
A Philadelphia- based program whose goal is to unite communities,
families, and farmers year-round through good locally-grown food
Food Trust:
Working to improve the health of children and adults, promote
good nutrition, and increase access to nutritious foods, and
advocate for better public policy
Greensgrow Farms:
A nursery, a farmer's market, and a Community Supported
Agriculture (CSA) program in the Kensington neighborhood,
proving that abandoned land is only abandoned if we choose to
leave it that way
Local Harvest (Mill Creek Farm's listing):
Real Food. Real Farmers. Real Community.
Mariposa Co-op:
A member-owned and operated retail food cooperative operating
out of a storefront in West Philadelphia since the early 1970s
Movement Alliance Project:
Runs strategic campaigns lifts up untold stories, and builds infrastructure for the most vibrant community organizations in Philadelphia and around the country
Neighborhood Bike Works:
A nonprofit educational organization in Philadelphia that seeks to increase opportunities for urban youth through bicycling, and which promotes cycling as an environmentally friendly means of transportation
Neighborhood Gardens Trust:
Land trust that holds deeds for community gardens in Philadelphia
Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture: Transforming agriculture and food systems in Pennsylvania and beyond in a way that makes our farmers more viable, improves the land, and restores the health and well-being of all our citizens
Pennsylvania Women's Agricultural Network:
Supports women in agriculture by providing a positive learning environment, networking, and empowerment
Philadelphia Orchard Project:
Planting orchards in the city of Philadelphia that grow healthy food, green spaces, and community food security
Spiral Q Puppet Theater:
Working from the belief that freedom of speech is both an inalienable individual right and a collective responsibility, Spiral Q strives to use the age-old arts of puppet-making and theatrical pageantry as vehicles for social change
Sustainable Business Network:
A Non-Profit Network of Local Triple-Bottom-Line Businesses and
Social Entrepreneurs
Training for Change:
Providing activist training for groups standing up for justice, peace,
and the environment through strategic non-violence
Urban Nutrition Initiative:
A university-community partnership based at the University of Pennsylvania that engages K-16+ learners in an active, real-world problem-solving curriculum that strives to improve community
nutrition and wellness
A member-owned cooperative grocery with locations in Northwest Philadelphia and Ambler.
The Work Group (Camden, NJ):
Equips at-risk youth in transition to adulthood with the skills, education, and confidence to become self-directed, self-sufficient individuals who are productive and responsible members of their families and communities
Beyond Pesticides:
National Coalition Against the Misuse of Pesticides City Farms
(for an international perspective)
City Slicker Farms:
(Oakland, CA) Growing affordable fresh produce for West Oakland
Coalition of Immokalee Farm Workers:
(Immokalee, FL) A community-based organization of mainly Latino,
Mayan Indian and Haitian immigrants working in low-wage jobs
throughout the state of Florida
El Comite de Apoyo a Trabajadores Agricolas (CATA)
"The Farmworkers Support Committee":
(PA and NJ) Empowering and educating farmworkers through
leadership development and capacity building so that they can make informed decisions regarding the best course of action for their interests
The Community Food Security Coalition:
A non-profit North American organization dedicated to building strong, sustainable, local and regional food systems that ensure access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food for all people at all times
The Edible Schoolyard (Berkeley, CA) Family Farm Defenders:
(Madison, WI) Creating a farmer-controlled and consumer-oriented food and fiber system, based upon democratically controlled institutions that empower farmers to speak for and respect themselves in their quest for social and economic justice
Farm Labor Organizing Committee : (Toledo, OH)
Struggling for full justice for those who have been marginalized and exploited for the benefit of others, and we have sought to change the structures of society to enable these people a direct voice in their own conditions
Food First:
(Oakland, CA) Shaping how people think by analyzing the root causes of global hunger, poverty, and ecological degradation and developing solutions in partnership with movements working for social change
The Food Project:
(Lincoln, MA) Growing a thoughtful and productive community of youth and adults from diverse backgrounds who work together to build a sustainable food system
High Mowing Seeds:
An independently-owned, farm-based seed company dedicated to supporting sustainable agriculture and providing farmers and gardeners with the highest quality certified organic seed
(Burlington, VT) Developing farm- and land-based enterprises that generate economic and social opportunity while protecting natural resources
Local Harvest:
We maintain a definitive and reliable "living" public nationwide directory of small farms, farmers markets, and other local food sources
National Family Farm Coalition:
(Washington, DC) Uniting and strengthening the voices and actions of its diverse grassroots members to demand viable livelihoods for family farmers, safe and healthy food for everyone, and economically and environmentally sound rural communities
Piñeros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste:
Oregon’s Farmworker Union
RUAF: Resources Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security
A global partnership on sustainable agriculture and food systems
Student Farmworker Alliance:
A national network of students and youth organizing with farmworkers to eliminate sweatshop conditions and modern-day slavery in the fields
United Farm Workers:
(West Coast, U.S.) Providing farmworkers and other working people with the inspiration and tools to share in society's bounty
City Farmer:
A collection of stories about urban farmers in Vancouver, Canada and
around the world
Via Campesina:
The international movement of peasants, small- and medium-sized producers, landless, rural women, indigenous people, rural youth and agricultural workers
Wasatch Community Gardens:
(Salt Lake City, UT) Empowering people of all ages and incomes to grow and eat healthy, organic, local food
What's Organic About "Organic"?
A film by Shelley Rogers about the organic food debate