Mill Creek Urban Farm is an educational farm and environmental education center located in West Philadelphia. We are dedicated to improving local access to fresh, chemical-free produce at low cost for the immediate Mill Creek community and surrounding neighborhoods. We are a people of a color-led non-profit organization in service of communities of color in need of basic resources. Mill Creek Urban Farm is dedicated to cultivating a healthy environment, growing strong communities, and promoting a just and sustainable food system.
We envision a world in which everyone has access to affordable, healthy, culturally appropriate food and where local communities work collaboratively to build a food system that is socially just and environmentally and economically sustainable.
Value Statement
We value:
The neighborhood in which we farm. We work with our neighbors to strengthen
our community. -
Experiential education. We provide hands-on, farm-based learning opportunities.
Our environment. We demonstrate innovative ways to foster sustainable living.
Community and collaboration. We work with and exchange ideas with others.
Urban food production. We foster the connection between people and the food they eat.
Equity and justice. We believe healthy, affordable food is a basic human right.

Our History
We value:
A Little Taste of Everything (ALTOE) is a non-profit agency whose mission is to increase access to nutritious, affordable foods and provide food system education for low-income populations in Philadelphia. ALTOE grew out of a youth-driven project at University City High School (UCHS) in conjunction with the Urban Nutrition Initiative (UNI) and received its non-profit status in 2005. ALTOE evolved from previous efforts to improve food security in West Philadelphia communities through school gardens and farmers’ markets.